Sports Activities

Sports are important in schools as it helps to teach various skills to students like leadership, patience, team efforts and social skills. Students have to participate in Sports to increase self – confidence, mental alertness and self – esteem. Sport has the power to provide a universal framework for learning values, thus contributing to the development of soft skills needed for responsible citizenship.

Students who play competitive sports in schools and represent in State and National games are better at setting goals and managing their time. They have a better appreciation for diversity and a more developed sense of morality.

At SKAPS and SKAGIC the day commences with daily physical exercise and yoga for students because exercise not only helps students to stay healthy, but it also helps to improve their emotional fitness.

Sports is a major part of School Curriculum as it helps the students to stay emotionally and physically healthy and they can focus on their studies. Students have to participate in school sports to increase confidence, mental alertness and self – esteem. Students learn to become good leaders in school and help in the discipline of the School.

The Prefectorial Board and School Council at SKAPS and SKAGIC has helped to teach various skills to students like Leadership, Patience, Team Efforts and Social Skills. It helps the students to play a disciplinary role and remind fellow students of their conduct and behavior.